PLEASE NOTE: Our 2025 All Out Angels 10u & 12u Baseball Team will be selected based on a
TRYOUT and/or
COACHES SELECTION. This program is not an open registration program.
2025 SPRING TEAM INFORMATION:Age Level: Two teams in 2025 -> 10u and 12uCoaches: >10u : Jared Ronai & Dan Matheney and Luke McMillan
>12u : Jeremy Hubbard & Nate Armstrong
Cost: $130.00 *Includes an All Out Angels jersey and hat
Program Starts: As soon as weather breaks in March (Coaches will notify players when practices will start)
League Season Starts: End of April (TBD)
# of Games: The RYSE league looks to schedule between 15 - 20 games.
RYSE League Tournament Dates: End of June (TBD)
Practice Location: Lamb Park in Mount Vernon
*There is also a possibility the team will play an early-bird Tournament mid April and/or a mid-season tourney Memorial Day weekend in Johnstown. This will be extra opportunities over and above the league commitment and will be decided upon by the coaches and team members.
RYSE (formerly COIYL) was created in 2015 to allow Recreational athletes the ability to play and develop beyond the typical constraints of recreational sports. Multiple districts (villages, towns, cities) have come together to give children and parents the flexibility of playing at a high level of competition while keeping the fun, more laid back atmosphere that is associated with Recreational sports. Our executive team in combination with local Commissioners, Directors, Presidents and coaches have formed a cohesive and developmental plan to advance the abilities of every athlete. Whether a child is on the field or in the gym to just play with friends or they want to develop their talents to move to the next level, RYSE gives every child that opportunity.
RYSE started as a baseball league but has developed into an all-encompassing opportunity for any athlete. For the 2024 season(s) we will be adding Softball and Basketball and 2025, Football and Soccer. We understand that some districts are large enough to play within themselves and our goal is to never take away from a community’s traditions but, joining RYSE gives children the enjoyment of playing with their schoolmates while advancing their skills. Divisions allow us to keep families and players close to home for every game but kids get to “travel” to other districts, see new parks and experience new challenges.
At RYSE, our mission is to rebuild youth leagues that were hurt or decimated by the 2020 pandemic. We will use our resources to give back to each community, back to each child. RYSE was built by coaches, directors and parents that understand that sports can make a difference in each child’s life.